The Science Of Compassion
In the last several decades an area of scientific research specific to the topic of compassion has been growing. With a broad mission and an urgent agenda to creatively address human suffering, many disciplines are intersecting and collaborating: neuroscience, artificial intelligence, behavioral economics, health sciences, cognitive science, risk management, and organizational change management, to name a few.
Hopefully, it is a signpost of greater things to come regarding human flourishing in the modern era. As communities of faith and the healthcare sector struggle to comprehensively address the deep wounds of a violence and trauma saturated world, there is an opportunity and a duty for the business community, charitable and arts organizations, and government agencies to step up, partner creatively, and innovate solutions which will address the systemic and root causes of human suffering that impact modern life.
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Education Program
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Education Program
Articles on the Science of Compassion
If you want to learn more about the Science of Compassion,
here are some documents to explore.
Mind and Life Institute, August 2022
ScienceDIrect, March, 2024
National Library of Medicine,
Compassion in healthcare: an updated scoping review of the literature, May 2022
Plos One, Measures of empathy and compassion: A scoping review, January 2024
Additional Resources
Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics
UCLA Berkeley Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education