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February 12th Meeting Summary


1:00pm Welcome, Introductions, and Blessing

  • Carla Mae welcomed the Newcomers and they introduced themselves. The blessing asked for the grace of a non-violent heart


1:10pm CompassionateUSA Training:
What Does Skill Set Training Look Like?

Jenny Grace is the winner of the first certificate in Compassionate Skills Training. She will welcome others who complete the Training as we form the team. Those interested can find the Modules at CompassionateUSA, the website of the University of San Antonio. The Modules take between 10 and 20 hours of personal time. Jenny will be preparing the content for delivery to various groups: boards, staffs, faculties, etc. for a short introduction or a day-long training session. These options will be available for whichever form is requested.


1:20pm Reports:

  • Mindy Stieg: Update on our Endorsements and website
    Who are our new Endorsers?

    Two large organizations have endorsed Compassionate St. Louis this month: Michael McMillan has brought the Urban League on board, and the Imam Council of Metropolitan St. Louis, representing the St. Louis Muslim leaders, also endorsed.

  • Carla Mae: Appointment in the office of the Mayor of St. Louis, other contacts:
    We have heard from the secretary of the Mayor of St. Louis, Emilly Looby. A representative from the Mayor's Office and a representative from the Board of Alders will be meeting with us soon. Carla Mae will request that both the Mayor and the Board sign on the Charter for Compassion, which will officially list us among the 600 + cities globally that are working to become Compassionate Cities.


  • Steve DiSalvo: Update on Facebook
    Steve enters onto our Facebook page what is going on nationally and internationally with the movement in addition to events here in St. Louis.

  • Terese Messman: Outreach Update
    Terese encouraged each person on the zoom to invite one new endorser for next meeting. She reminded those present that a request sometimes needs several follow-ups to bear fruit.


  • Carla Mae/Tim Vosse: Our Finances
    Due to the kind gifts of our sustaining donors and others, we are approaching $6000 in our Savings Account, and we have $1000 + in our Checking Account to pay our daily bills.

1:30pm Our 'Shout Out' Compassion

  • We met Lisa Burks and Winnie Sullivan, and learned the story of what social compassion looks like in one congregation in the city. For several decades, this Catholic Congregation has been helping St. Louis folks get ID's so they have access to housing and employment. They also are intentionally looking at all aspects of their parish life to become an anti-racist parish. They are in a two-year program to examine their past history and present-day practices. Their artists are working on inclusive images of heroes and saints that will be mounted in the Parish Center and in the Church to present holy people of various races.


Questions, Comments, Suggestions


Click HERE for materials for inviting another to endorse,

to 'Stand With Us'


2:15pm Closure.


Next Meeting: March 11th, 1:00pm.


Carla Mae Streeter, OP

Convener, CSTL


Carla Mae Streeter, OP

Aquinas Institute of Theology

23 South Spring Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63108-3323


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Click Here to view the chat information that was shared during the meeting.


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